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Combo Java & JEE


    Java Fundamentals

    Java Fundamentals

    Chapter 1.Course Overview
    Chapter 2.The Java Development Kit
    Chapter 3.Installing an IDE
    Chapter 4.Java Variables
    Chapter 5.Control Flow
    Chapter 6.Comparing Strings
    Chapter 7.Object Orientation
    Chapter 8.Writing a Class
    Chapter 9.Practical Session 1
    Chapter 10.Arrays of Objects
    Chapter 11.Packages
    Chapter 12.The Java Library
    Chapter 13.Java Library: Handling Numbers
    Chapter 14.Handling Garbage
    Chapter 15.Inheritance
    Chapter 16.Overriding and Abstract
    Chapter 17.equals() and toString()
    Chapter 18.Exceptions
    Chapter 19.Practical Session 2
    Chapter 20.Unit Testing
    Chapter 21.Introducing Collections
    Chapter 22.Collections in Practice
    Chapter 23.Polymorphism
    Chapter 24.Interfaces
    Chapter 25.Databases and JDBC
    Chapter 26.More JDBC
    Chapter 27.Major Practical
    Chapter 28.External libraries and Deployment
    Chapter 29.Course Review

    Java Advanced Topics

    Java Advanced Topics

    Course Description

    This Advanced Java Training Course dives into topics that most professional Java developers will find invaluable. The course is divided into 6 sections:

    1 – Collections : sorting lists and an in depth look at ArrayLists, LinkedLists, HashMaps and LinkedHashMaps.

    2 – Logging: How to get the most from your logging with Log4J, JUL (Java Util Logging), and Commons Logging.

    3 – Generics: How to use generics, creating our own generic classes and methods, dealing with warning messages. We also explain the complexities of the advanced generics syntax that you see in the Javadocs.

    4 – Lambda Functions: how functional programming is possible in Java 8, including functional interfaces and streams.

    5 – Threading: creating multi threaded applications, and underestanding the risks of threading. Including deadlocks, thread safety, and Java 5 concurrency features

    6 – Memory: we go deep into how memory works in Java – what’s really happening in your programs. Including garbage collection, finding memory leaks, monitoring application performance, and tuning the JVM.

    The course is written with Java 8, although all chapters except section 4 can be studied using Java 7 if preferred.



    Become a proficient Java Enterprise developer with this comprehensive online video training course covering all of the major topics in JavaEE.
    Featuring CDI, EJB3, JNDI, JPA, JSF 2, Webservices, JAX-WS and JAX-RS.
    The course was recorded using Glassfish 3 (JavaEE 6). Glassfish 4 (JavaEE 7)
    adds some minor new features but the fundamentals are not affected.
    This course is suitable for both JavaEE 6 and 7 projects.
    The JavaEE training course is designed to be accessible to anyone with a reasonable knowledge of basic Java.
    You will need to be able to write classes and create objects.
    If you are new to Java, we recommend studying Java Fundamentals first.
    We are careful to cover any background topics such as webservices before showing the Java specifics

    Hibernate & JPA

    Hibernate and JPA

    This Hibernate and JPA training course takes you through all of the major features of Hibernate. The Hibernate Training starts from the absolute basics, and takes you to a professional standard. The JPA Training explains how Hibernate became a Java Standard, and with small changes to your code, you can change which implementation of JPA you work with.

    You will need some Java programming knowledge – you will need to be able to create classes and objects, and understand the basic syntax. No database knowledge is required as an overview of SQL is given.

    Spring Framework

    Learning Spring Programming

    In this Spring Programming training course, expert author Kevin teaches you the fundamentals of this open-source application framework, which has become popular in the Java community.

    You will start by learning about the Spring Inversion of Control (IOC), which is central to the Spring framework.
    You will then learn about Spring Beans, including setting up a project, Bean scopes, and auto-wiring with XML.
    Kevin will then teach you how to configure the IOC container with annotations.
    This video tutorial also covers Java configuration, container features, foundations of data access,
    and JDBC with templates. Finally, you will learn how to configure Spring data and Spring MVC

    Learning Bootstrap 3

    Learning Bootstrap 3

    In this Bootstrap 3 training course, expert author Mark Shufflebottom shows you how to use this front end framework to design a website. Bootstrap is easy to use and allows a designer to specify exactly how the site will look and behave on a number of different displays, including mobile, desktop, and tablet. To get the most out of this tutorial you should already have a fundamental understanding of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
    You will start the course by learning about the grid system, including how to use containers, nested columns, and column offsets. You will move into learning about the site structure, following along with Mark as he teaches you how to build a NavBar, build the intro section, info panel, and more. This video tutorial will also teach you how to set up the home page, blog page, client page, and contact page. Finally, Mark will show you how to customize the Bootstrap download and customize colours.
    Once you have completed this computer based training course, you will have a solid understanding of how to design a website with Bootstrap 3, and be able to apply this knowledge to your own web development projects. Working files are included, allowing you to follow along with the author throughout the lessons

    Course Curriculum

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    About Us

    Pradeep Academy is an online & Training institute To make learning easy, interesting, affordable and accessible to millions of learners across the Globe. To create an alternative learning platform, using a unique learning methodology of live online interactive courses along with 24x7 support. We aim to empower our customers with skills which will help them get an edge in their careers and improve their lives.

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